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Studio News - December 2022

Studio News - December 2022
Studio News - December 2022

Amidst a festive flurry of activity I wonder to I making progress?

That pesky little signpost called 'productivity' usually pops up in my mind when I ask myself this question. What do I actually have to show for my time in the studio this week? How many paintings have I started or finished? Have I made a You Tube video? How many Blog posts have I written? Have I taken plenty of photos for my Instagram or Facebook audience? And if I allow myself to judge my progress based on these outcomes, I can find myself feeling as though I'm not as far down the road as I should be..... whatever that means! I attended a workshop recently and was reminded that as artists we are not just makers or producers of things, we are also thinkers. Deep thinkers. And our value as creatives extends way beyond the finished painting or 'product' that we create. We are tasked with interpreting the world in a way others perhaps can't, and in doing so make experiences tangible and accessible to them through visual description and depiction. Allowing ourselves time and space to think creatively about what our art could look like without boundaries and explore all the possibilities that are open to us, is an essential part of studio practice, even if we chose not to follow every single pathway we can see before us. It's our job to at least think about these ideas. Along the way we might make sketches or paintings or objects that serve no purpose other than to have been a few footsteps on a longer journey, and in doing so we might leave the studio at the end of the day feeling as though we've accomplished very little, or that we have 'nothing to show for it'. At moments like these, I have to remind myself to stay on track and think about 'progress' in the context of a lifetime of making art, not just a few days in the studio. I'm going somewhere, even if I'm not entirely sure where that 'somewhere' is yet. On days like these I often find that whilst I may not have followed the signpost to productivity, my thoughts and ideas have have surpassed that particular destination and are now a long way down the road to creative innovation of some kind. I find my thinking has expanded and that I can sense a horizon ahead, even if I can't see it yet. And though the path directly in front of me might be shrouded in fog, I find myself surrounded by unforeseen small makings, doings and sketches. And when I re-frame this studio time in the greater scheme of things, I realise that I've been highly productive, not necessarily in what I have made, but what I have thought about. And I know that ultimately my work will be all the richer for it.


Here's a few snapshots of what's happening in the studio at the moment with my latest work - drawings, prints, paintings and collages - all work in progress!


You're Invited!

An diverse group exhibition by Butter Factory Friends artists:

Opening Event

Saturday 10th December

2 - 4 pm

Cooroy Butter Factory Arts Centre, Myall St, Cooroy


And to finish the year, enjoy my latest sketchbook paintings and blog posts!

From Etching Press to Collage Blog Post
From Etching Press to Collage Blog Post

'Sunny Side' Sketchbook Painting Video
'Sunny Side' Sketchbook Painting Video

Prismatic Colour Blog Post
Prismatic Colour Blog Post

'Feels Like Christmas' Sketchbook Painting Video
'Feels Like Christmas' Sketchbook Painting Video


So, with the Christmas break nearly upon us, I wish you all a fun, safe and merry festive season with family and friends and send you all a heartfelt thank you for being part of my creative journey this year.

Whether you're an artist, collector or studio visitor, I see each of you as a gift, and want you to know how much I appreciate every read of my newsletter, lovely social media comment, blog post read and creative conversation. I love what I do, but sharing it all is the icing on the cake, and without all of you, that wouldn't be possible.

So many thanks again, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

See you in 2023..... which is looking jam packed already!


The first in my series of Top 10 Tips went out to my subscribers with this December edition of my Studio News. If you'd like a copy just hit the subscribe button below!

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