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Print & Collage One Day Workshop

Wow! Amazing creations have emerged during my one day print and collage workshops. Beginners, hobby artists and currently practicing artists working in various fields have embraced this process, with great feedback about how enjoyable this working processes is.

Most participants have been new to gelli printing or have had a go but got stuck with where to go next with all their lovely printed material. The workshops began with addressing the practicalities of printing using gelli plates, creating interesting colour combinations and textures using stencils, masks and layering.

We then moved on to sorting through our prints according to value - lights, mid tone and dark which have been used to create high impact collages on a large scale. The results speak for themselves, much has been learned about using contrast, colour and shapes to best effect and we've dispelled the notion that collage is for kids! You can check out the full album of photos so far on my facebook page at:

Print & Collage One Day Workshop
Print & Collage One Day Workshop
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