Sketch with Blue and Magenta
If you've been following my Instagram you'll know I've been exploring new colour combinations lately and blue/purple/magenta came up. I...
The Naughty Painting
Working on my latest big painting from my Habitat Series I was really wrestling with the greens. On the wall at the same time I had all...
Habitat Series - Video Catalogue
A year in the making, my Habitat Series is finally complete! What a journey with such great learnings to take away from the process of...
Mini Compositions & Value Studies
Understanding and mastering 'value' and learning how to place it effectively in a composition takes plenty of practice. In this...
Sketch in warm colours - Finding Faraway
I started this sketch a bit differently - by drawing in pencil over the collage before I picked up the paintbrush, so the drawing led the...
Sketchbook Painting - Stairway to Space
A little time-out sketch! I love just seeing what shapes emerge and responding to what the image is telling me it needs next. I picked up...